Remember when Kira, Marisa, you, and I were leaving kira's apartment and Marisa missed her step and fell slowly down the whole flight of stairs. You tried to catch her but couldn't, she was ok with a lot of bruises. Kira and her drove behind us to the mall and we couldn't stop laughing. We had tears pouring out of our eyes and had to try to collect ourselves in the 5 minute drive cause we didn't want her to know we were laughing. That was awesome, I miss you!

Kolby and I had this special place in the Mountains we would always go to and hike around, Kolby loved this place and it was where we could go to "get away" we where able just to sit on the cliffs and over look the lake, we would sit there for hours never wanting to leave...i know when i go there to this day you are still with me, i still dont bring anyone there bud thats "our" spot. I LOVE YOU KOLBY! and thank you for teaching me that i cant be embarrassed of who i am or what i do, like most people would say you are my best friend and you will always have a huge spot in my heart~ cant wait to see you again but in the meantime we will always have "our special place." LOVE YOUR LITTLE BUD BRAD! ps. Member "Boys are dumb throw rocks at em'"
If I speak your name - will you answer? If I reach out to you - will you take my hand? If I reveal my heart to you - will you keep it safe? And if tomorrow never comes - will you remember? I will always love and cherish you in all my memories.
I remember when I was living in Montana and came down for the weekends to see you and Amy. I am so glad that I moved there because I would never have known how great you really were. And our trips to Twin together with Kash in the backseat while we were sending pics to my mom to scare the crap outta her. How you could always sweet talk her into a good mood once we got there (after she chewed our butts of course!) I will miss our road trips brother... Hope you are on the trip of your life. Miss you.
We went down to Lagoon as a family and Kolby and i were going through one of the haunted house rides and he was like schad check this out i will touch the walls of the stomach. while he was looking at me saying this i saw one of the people that works on the ride hide behind a wall, when Kolby turned around and put his hand out she jumped out and scared him, i could not stop laughing
One of my memories of Kolby was Marisa Kolby and I spent all day floating. Kolby and I had to work at 5ish so we had plenty of time to drink on the river before work. When we were done floating I decided to ride home with Marisa and Kolby actually followed us normally he was way ahead of us racing. So Marisa and I were listening to music really loud and didn't notice we both missed like a million calls from Kolby. Next thing I know I see in the rear view mirror Kolby flashing his lights like an emergency so I grabbed my phone and realized I missed 8 calls from him and so did Ris. When we found a good spot to pull over on the highway Kolby got out of his car ran up to us and told us Marisa's oil pan was dragging on the ground splashing oil all over his car that he had to use his windshield wipers and fluid to even see us and that it was sparking under the car. He was like why didn't you answer, your about out of oil its been happening for awhile. Ris didn't have to work so she was going to stay with her car till her dad got there. I jumped in the car with Kolby so we could get to work and laughed the whole way home....God I miss you!

The last time I was with Kolby, we were in Couer d'lane, Idaho at his dad and step-mom's lake house. There was tons of food for dinner every night and he would heap his plate with some of everything. About halfway through his huge dinner, he would grab his tummy, lean back in his chair, and say, "I can't eat anymore, I'm so stuffed." About two minutes later, he would would finish his dinner. By bed time, he was miserably stuffed and would say that he would never eat that much again. The next night, he would do the same thing.
Dusty, Kolby, and I were in Dusty's red Toyota on our way to Featherville, ID to do some jet skiing. Around Johnson Hill we hit a deer. It was extremely messy and Dusty and I were grossed out, having never hit anything that big before. Kolby was fine, at ease. "This happens all the time in Montana," is what he said so nonchanlantly. Then is was funny. Gross, but funny.
I am thinking Kolb was about 12, Dusty 14, and I was 18.
I have so many memories of Kolby I could fill cyber space. But right now, my strongest memory is his laugh. Kolby had the greatest laugh. I can still hear it.
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